My Photographs
My Photographs
All My Photos
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Basketball action and photo shoots
2018-19 Basketball photo shoots
06-20-18 Moorhead shoot
06-24-18 Hopkins shoot
06-24-18 STMA shoot
07-15-18 Maple Grove shoot
07-15-18 STMA shoot
07-17-18 and 07-18-18 Fergus Falls shoots
07-21-18 Rochester shoot
07-22-18 Marshall shoot
08-26-18 Cathedral shoot
09-02-18 Duluth shoot
09-03-18 Hopkins shoot - BOYS
09-03-18 Hopkins shoot - GIRLS
09-03-18 Hopkins shoot - GROUPS
09-09-18 Park Center shoot - BOYS
09-09-18 Park Center shoot - GIRLS
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